Quick we have obtained the trust of buyers worldwide. a specialized supplier of a full range of chains, sprockets, gears, gear racks, V – belts, couplings and reducers, pto shaft, agricultural gearboxes….We’ve built up our product range to respond to the vastly different conditions found in different industrial environments around the world. From heavy industry to precision manufacturing, we work with end – users in almost every industry and have specialist solutions which are proven to offer a distinct performance advantage for your application.Overview
1 – 162 – 5100 – 062 Z EPT® Part Number
641158 – EPT 02983 ( SKU No.)
External ANSI (Inch) Retaining Rings
0.625 inch Shaft Diameter (B)
0.588 inch Groove Diameter (G)
0.003 +/ – inch Tollerance
0.039 inch Groove Width (W)
+ 0.003 – 0 inch Tollerance
0.035 inch Ring Thickness (T)
0.002 +/ – inch Tollerance
0.579 inch Ring Diameter (F)
+ 0.005 – 0.01 inch Tollerance
0.035 inch Diameter ( C)
2460 Lbs Thrust Load